The hot weather is lots of fun but dogs can get sunburn, eye damage and heatstroke from sun exposure. Make sure your pets are given lots of water, kept in the shade and if possible, walk them in the early morning or evening when the sun is less extreme. And owners, wear your sunscreen! Skin cancer is the most diagnosed form of cancer in both Canada and the U.S.
Month: July 2019
Second Cancer Awareness Photo
Here is our second photo in our series on cancer prevention. Studies have shown a connection between lawn chemicals and canine cancer. Please consider alternatives and also wash your dogs paws after a walk (especially during times of year when people tend to use pesticides on their lawns).
Cancer Prevention with Kaiserin & Schultz
Cancer Awareness Photos
I am doing a series of cancer awareness/ prevention photos with my tripawd Kaiserin and her 4-legged brother Schultz. Our first one is for Sarcoma Aeareness Month. It seemed fitting to start with this because Kaiserin lost her leg to a sarcoma almost a year ago. Please get all lumps (on yourself or your pet) checked by a medical professional. Early detection is key!